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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Investing in Philippine UITFs

If you don’t have any expertise in investing directly to stock market, government securities and bonds, it’s easier to consider investing in UITF (Unit Investment Trusts Funds). Philippine Banks, especially universal banks offer many types of UITF in peso or US Dollar denomination. There are Bond Funds, Equity Funds, Balanced Funds, and Money Market Funds.
These funds are managed by fund managers who participate directly in stocks trading, money market, bonds and securities investments.
Choosing the right kind of UITF will depend to each individual appetite of investing. Mostly many individual in young age chooses equity type of investment primarily due to high yield of returns. If you are still young there is more time for you to recover your investments if the market collapsed like what happen in previous global recession.  For those individual in middle age, balanced fund is sometimes more applicable because this fund is putting your money both for high and low risk investments. Some people want to preserve their capital and choose less risky investments like bond fund.
Any investments involve risks from low to high. The higher the return you want to earn, the higher the risk your investment will be. Managing risk can be minimized by choosing the right kind of UITF  and right timing for money to invest and redeem.
Other factors to consider before investing in UITF are Institution (Bank name), minimum initial investment required, holding period, fees such as entrance fee, management fee, early redemption fees and other fees approved by BSP (Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas).
Be aware also that UITF is not covered by PDIC (Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation) since this investment is not a deposit. UITF is regulated under BSP unlike mutual funds that are regulated by SEC. Due to marked to market investment, daily prices is subject to fluctuation depends on market condition that day. Although, historical prices is not indication for future value but historical prices indicate how fund manager or institution managed its own UITF.
The value of UITF is based on its Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVpU) of the funds which uses a marked to market valuation. The NAVpu is computed by dividing the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund by the number of outstanding units. The NAV is derived from the summation of the market value of the underlying securities of the fund plus accrued interest income less liabilities and qualified expenses.
Below is the list of available UITF available in Philippine Banks.
Dollar Bond Fund (DBF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
Part.ContrPeriod  (days)Fee(%)
 Allied Unit Performance Dollar Fund Allied BankUSD5,000 - 180 0.05 0.5%*NAV*remaining days/holding period or 0.5% of income whichever is lower Third Party Custodianship Fee
 Dollar Income Fund Asiatrust BankUSD2,000 500 180 1.00 1% flat NONE
 BDO Dollar Bond Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.USD2,000 2,000 45 0.75 0.50% of Original Participation Amount Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BDO Medium Term Dollar Bond Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.USD2,000 2,000 45 1.00 1% p.a. Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 Bancommerce Dollar Trust Fund Bank of CommerceUSD2,000 2,000 30 2.00 50% of gross earnings, except when it results in a loss to the investor NONE
 BPI Global Philippine Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsUSD1,000 200 30 1.00 .25% of the NAVPU Custody Fee
 BPI International Fund Plus Bank of the Philippine IslandsUSD1,000 200 30 0.75  0.25% of the NAVPU Custody Fee
 Philippine Dollar Bond Index Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsUSD1,000 200 90 0.25 0.25% Custody fee
 ChinaBank DollarFund China Banking CorporationUSD10,000 1,000 60 1.00 1.5% p.a. for  first half of holding period; 1.0% p.a. during the second half of holding period Custody and Audit Fees
 EWBC Dollar Maximizer EastWest Banking CorporationUSD2,000 2,000 30 1.50 the interest will revert back to the prevailing S/A rate or (NAVPU at withdrawal date multiplied to units owned), whichever is lower Third Party Custodianship Fee, Pre-termination Penalty, Withholding Tax
 Infinity Dollar Long Term Bond Fund EastWest Banking CorporationUSD10,000 10,000 180 1.00 50% of earnings  Custodianship Fees
 UnionBank Philippine Dollar Bond Portfolio UnionBankUSD2,000 - 90 2.00 0.25% flat on redeemed amount or USD 10, whichever is higher NONE
 ING Philippine Dollar Bond Fund ING Bank N.V.USD- - 20 1.25 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other fees as allowed by BSP
 ING Tax-Exempt Philippine Dollar Fixed Income Fund ING Bank N.V.USD- - 20 1.25 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other fees as allowed by BSP
 Metro$ Max-3 Bond Fund (Phil. Liquid Fund) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.USD2,000 1,000 90 1.50 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee 0.0175% p.a.
 PNB Dollar Profit Philippine National BankUSD5,000 1,000 30 1.00 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawal Custodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 PNB Dollar Punla Philippine National BankUSD1,000 500 30 1.50 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawal Custodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 Rizal Dollar Bond Fund RCBCUSD5,000 1,000 90 1.00 0.125% Flat of MV .025% Custudianship Fee and Early Withdrawal Charge 0.125% of proceeds
 Global $ Fund LandBank of the PhilippinesUSD2,000 500 90 1.00 25% of earnings (net of final w/holding tax and trustee fee), but not less than US$10  Custodianship Fees and other Fees allowed by BSP
Dollar Equity Fund (DEF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtOther Fees
 BPI Global Equity Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsUSD1,000 200 90 1.50 refer to relevant transaction processing fee  Custody fee and transaction processing cost
Dollar Medium-Term Bond Fund (DMTBF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 Metro$ Max-5 Bond Fund (Philippine Bond Fund) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.USD2,000 1,000 90 1.50 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee 0.0175% p.a.
Dollar Money Market Fund (DMMF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 BDO Dollar Money Market Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.USD2,000 2,000 45 0.50  0.50% of Original Participation Amount Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 Metro$ Money Market Fund(Dollar Money Market Fund) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.USD2,000 1,000 45 1.00 50% of Income on redeemed amount 0.0175% per annum
 PBCom Winner Dollar Fund Philippine Bank of CommunicationsUSD1,000 1,000 30 0.50  0.125% of redemption value 0.025% custudy fee per annum
 Rizal DollarMoney Market Fund RCBCUSD2,000 500 30 0.50 .125% Flat of MV .025% Custudianship Fee and Early Withdrawal Charge 0.125% of proceeds
 SB Secure Dollar Fund Security BankUSD10,000 1,000 30 1.00 A pre-termination fee of 0.5% on the withdrawal proceeds  None
Peso Balanced Fund (PBALF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 BDO Peso Balanced Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP10,000 10,000 30 1.00 0.50% of Original Participation Amount Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BPI Balanced Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsPHP50,000 10,000 90 1.50  .50% of the NAVPU Custody Fee
 ChinaBank Balanced Fund China Banking CorporationPHP100,000 10,000 30 1.00  1.0% of the amount withdrawn None
 Metro Balanced Fund (Metro Capital Growth Fund) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.PHP25,000 25,000 90 2.00 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee: 0.015% p.a.
 PNB Mabuhay Prestige Philippine National BankPHP100,000 50,000 90 1.25 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawal Custodianship Fee of 0.015% p.a. based on fund value
 Rizal Balanced Fund RCBCPHP25,000 5,000 90 1.00 .25% Flat of MV  .025% Custodianship Fee and Early Withdrawal Charge 0.0125% of proceeds
Peso Bond Fund (PBF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 Allied Unit Performance GS Fund Allied BankPHP50,000 - 30 2.00 0.5%*NAV*remaining days/holding period or 0.5% of income whichever is lower Third Party Custodianship Fee
 Peso Income Fund Asiatrust BankPHP10,000 5,000 180 1.00  1% Flat NONE
 Enterprise Fund Asiatrust BankPHP10,000 5,000 180 1.00  1% Flat NONE
 BDO Peso Bond Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP100,000 100,000 30 0.75 0.50% of Original Participation Amount  Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP10,000 10,000 30 1.00  0.50% of Original Participation Amount  Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BDO GS Fund (formerly EPCIB GS Fund) BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP100,000 100,000 30 1.00 0.50% of Original Participation Amount Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 Bancommerce Peso Trust Fund Bank of CommercePHP25,000 25,000 30 2.00 50% of gross earnings, except when it results in a loss to the investor NONE
 BPI Premium Bond Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandPHP50,000 10,000 90 1.50 .25% of the NAVPU Custody Fee
 BPI Institutional Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandPHP50,000 10,000 90 0.75 0.25% Custody Fee
 ABF Philippines Bond Index Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsPHP50,000 10,000 90 0.25 1.00% of the NAVPU  Trustee Fee: 0.08% per annum
 China Bank GSFund China Banking CorporationPHP100,000 10,000 60 0.75 1 % of amount withdrawn Custody and Audit Fees
 EWBC Peso Maximizer EastWest Banking CorporationPHP10,000 10,000 30 1.00 the interest will revert back to the prevailing S/A rate or (NAVPU at withdrawal date multiplied to units owned), whichever is lower Third Party Custodianship Fee, Pre-termination Penalty, Withholding Tax
 Infinity Peso Long Term Bond Fund EastWest Banking CorporationPHP100,000 100,000 180 1.00 50% of earnings Custodianship Fees but paid out from the fund as expense
 UnionBank Philippine Peso Bond Portfolio UnionBankPHP100,000 - 90 2.00 0.25% flat on redeemed amount or PHP 500, whichever is higher NONE
 UnionBank Long-Term Current Income Portfolio UnionBankPHP100,000 - 365 2.00 2% flat on redeemed amount or PHP 500, whichever is higher NONE
 UnionBank Current Income Portfolio UnionBankPHP100,000 - 90 2.00 0.25% flat on redeemed amount or PHP 500, whichever is higher NONE
 ING Peso Bond Fund ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 1.00 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other expense as allowed by BSP
 ING Peso Cash Management Fund ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 0.75 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other expense as allowed by BSP
 ING Tax-Exempt Peso Fixed Inco... ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 1.00 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other expense as allowed by BSP
 ING Diversified Balanced Fund ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 15 1.50 1% of redemption amount 0.02% custody fee and other expenses as allowed by BSP
 Metro Max-3 Bond Fund (Metrofund Elite) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.PHP50,000 25,000 1.00 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee: 0.015% p.a.
 PNB Mabuhay Plus Philippine National BankPHP25,000 15,000 30 1.50 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawal Custodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 PNB Mabuhay Prime Philippine National BankPHP100,000 50,000 30 1.25 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawalCustodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 PNB Peso Punla Philippine National BankPHP10,000 5,000 30 1.50 50% of the income earned if any, by the participation from the date of admission up to the date of withdrawalCustodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 Rizal Peso Bond Fund RCBCPHP50,000 10,000 90 0.50 .125% Flat of MV .025% Custodianship Fee and early withdrawal charge 0.125% of proceeds
 GS-FI Fund LandBank of the PhilippinesPHP50,000 10,000 90 0.85 25% of earnings (net of final w/holding tax and trustee fee), but not less than P500  Custodianship fees and other fees allowed by BSP 
 Growth Fund LandBank of the PhilippinesPHP50,000 10,000 90 0.85 25% of earnings (net of final w/holding tax and trustee fee), but not less than P500  Custodianship fees and other fees allowed by BSP 
Peso Equity Fund (PEF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 Allied Unit Performance Equities Fund Allied BankPESO50,000 - 180 2.00 0.5%*NAV*remaining days/holding period or 0.5% of income whichever is lower Custody fee 0.02% per annum and other expenses as allowed by BSP
 BDO Equity Fund (formerly EPCIB Equity Fund) BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP10,000 10,000 30 1.00  1% of Original Participation Amount Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BPI Equity Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsPHP50,000 10,000 90 1.50 .50% of the NAVPU Custody fee 
 UnionBank Large Cap Philippine Equity Portfolio UnionBankPHP100,000 - 90 2.00 0.25% flat on redeemed amount or PHP 500, whichever is higher NONE
 ING Philippine Equity Fund ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 15 2.00 1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other expense as allowed by BSP
 ING Tax-Exempt Philippine Equi... ING Bank N.V.PHP- - 15 2.00  1% of Redemption Amount Custody Fee 0.02% p.a. and other expense as allowed by BSP
 Metro Equity Fund Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.PHP25,000 25,000 90 2.00 50% of Income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee: 0.015% p.a.
 PNB PHISIX UITF Philippine National BankPHP25,000 10,000 90 2.00 one and a half percent (1.5%) of the NAV of the participation.Custodianship Fee of 0.0175% p.a. based on fund value
 Rizal Equity Fund RCBCPHP25,000 5,000 90 1.00 .25% Flat of MV .025% Custodianship Fee and early withdrawal charge 0.125% of proceeds
Peso Medium-Term Bond Fund (PMTBF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 Metro Max-5 Bond Fund (Metrofund Peak Earner) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.PHP50,000 25,000 30 1.50 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee: 0.015% p.a.
Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF)
Fund NameInstitutionCurrMinAddHoldMgtEarly Redemption Fee (%)Other Fees
 BDO Peso Money Market Fund BDO Unibank, Inc.PHP100,000 100,000 0.50 NONE Custodianship, Financial Info Services and Audit Fees
 BPI Short Term Fund Bank of the Philippine IslandsPHP50,000 10,000 0.75  .25% of the NAVPU Custody fee 
 China Bank Money Market Fund China Banking CorporationPHP100,000 10,000 0.50  1.00 % of amount withdrawn Custody and Audit Fees
 Infinity Peso Money Market Fund EastWest Banking CorporationPHP100,000 100,000 2.00 None P100 per withdrawal, custodianship fees but paid out from the fund as an expense
 UnionBank Peso Money Market Portfolio UnionBankPHP- - 2.00 No early redemption fee PHP100 per withdrawal
 Metro Money Market Fund (Metrofund starter) Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.PHP50,000 25,000 1.00 50% of income on redeemed amount Custodian Fee: 0.015% p.a.
 PBCom Signature Trust Fund Philippine Bank of CommunicationsPHP10,000 10,000 30 0.50 0.125% of redemption value0.025% custudy fee p.a.
 Rizal Peso Money Market Fund RCBCPHP25,000 5,000 30 0.50 .125% Flat of MV .025% Custodianship Fee and early withdrawal charge 0.125% of proceeds
 Molave Fund RCBC Savings BankPHP10,000 5,000 30 1.00  1/8 of 1% Third party custodian fee 0.02% of the face value + Php25 per transfer
 SB Secure Peso Fund Security BankPHP50,000 10,000 30 1.00  A pre-termination fee of 0.5% on the withdrawal proceeds  None

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